
Redeemed by the blood of Christ. We are bought and paid for by the sacrifice He made for us upon the Cross.  His sacrifice is the sum of the Gospel, (see II Corinthians 5:21) the Good News that proclaims all those chosen by God before the foundation of the earth (Ephesians 1:4-7) can be redeemed if we confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe in your heart that Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins, and that He rose again from the dead, giving assurance to the saints of eternal life. Believe His sacrifice is a free gift and be saved (see Romans 10:9-11, Acts 17:31).


Redeemed Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church Plant; the first of church plants to the glory of God.  We have several Commissions, the first being to the Gospel and preaching it to the every creature (soul winning).  Commissions under the Gospel are to serve the community and this is the premise of a small local church plant



Pastor David Joseph MacLellan


David Joseph MacLellan is the pastor of Redeemed Baptist Church; a small Christ centered Baptist Church plant in Apache Junction Arizona.


In 2014 he answered the call to priesthood and took the oath to serve Jesus Christ as witness to Him to all the world.  Countless hours of passionate study, meditation, reflection of the Holy Bible spread out over years.  A love of biblical etymology to inspire great hermeneutics not only for expository preaching of the gospel, but for his own “knowing” of Jesus Christ.; ; this being the work of the Holy Spirit in keeping this servant humbly serving our Lord, Jesus Christ. There is a great love for biblical truth and "old time preachin".


Leading weekly fellowship and worship with Holy Spirit inspired words.  He continues to write for short blogs on whatever the Lord sees fit.  Not only posted on this site, but on a WordPress page as well.


Studying at Liberty University.